The timeline
1993: The National Liberal Party (Partidului Naţional Liberal) is established
2000: The party merged with the For Order and Justice (Pentru Ordine şi Dreptate) into the Social Liberal Union Force of Moldova (Uniunea Social-Liberală Forţa Moldovei)
2002: The party merged into the ⇒ Liberal Party From National Liberal Party to Social Liberal Union force of Moldova
1995: The Party of Rebirth and Reconciliation of Moldova (Partidul Renaşterii şi Concilierii din Moldova) is established
2002: The Party of Rebirth and Reconciliation of Moldova merged with the National Peasant Christian-Democratic Party (Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc Creştin-Democrat) and the ⇒ Social Liberal Union Force of Moldova into the Liberal Party (Partidul Liberal), lead by Mircea Snegur and Veceaslav Untilă
2003: The Liberal Party merged with the Social Democratic Alliance of Moldova (Alianţa Social-Democrată din Moldova) of Dumitru Braghiş, the ⇒ Independents' Alliance of Moldova and the Democratic People's Party of Moldova (Partidul Democrat-Popular din Moldova) into the Party Alliance Our Moldova (Partidul Alianţa «Moldova Noastră»)
2005: The Party more than doubles its members in 12 months. Social Liberal Party
2001: Chişinău mayor Serafim Urechean established the Independents' Alliance of Moldova (Alianţa Independenţilor din Republica Moldova)
2003: The party merged into the ⇒ Party Alliance Our Moldova